Harry Potter - Owl

15 September 2013


Last week, we went to Lisa's house to celebrate Hari Merdeka. Ada makan-makan. Kambing golek, mushroom soup, gravy & bread and yada yada. Lepas makan, I wanted to go home, but Melly tak nak balik. Sibuk nak main dengan BFF baru, Marsya. So tunggulah pukul 12 for bunga api!!

Kanak-kanak riang dapat jajan. Sambil tunggu bunga api.

After hours of waiting, FINALLY! 

On Sunday, if I'm not mistaken, I cleaned my shelf. Ceh, sebenarnya saja cari alasan tak nak study. I threw all the rubbish in my room and arranged all my bags. I put the smaller bags in the biggest bag. That actually helps save space. So now I have some space beside my pajamas. Boleh la letak buku-buku cerita yang asyik disumbat celah-celah buku lain :P

After the examiantion, I can throw out all my exercise books. MORE SPACE!! can't wait to borong MPH!!

This coming week, I'm sitting for UPSR. Hopefully I can do my best and get 5As. But most of all, I can't wait till UPSR is over! So many books to read! My goodreads to-read list is so long I'm not sure I can read everything I want to by the end of this year. Plus all the TV shows I haven't watched yet! Stuck in season 2 when the tv show is currently at season 8. Ahem, ahem, Supernatural.

My current best friend, Post-It notes,

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