Yesterday, my family and I balik Melaka, tengok nenek's new place. bertolak pada pukul 10am, sampai pada pukul 4pm -6 hours. first, pergi ke hospital because tertinggal bag susu Melly masa visit dad's uncle.
but his family dah bawa balik the bag, so singgahlah pulak rumahnya.. then, kita teruskan perjalanan..
Houses and buildings on the way to Malacca. We stopped at R&R Ayer Keroh. Wajiblah si Lala main buai kan? This time, Melly pun ikut sama xD.
Berani kan dia nk turun? But dia tk nk turun, dia nak NAIK.
One of Dad's best shots!
Mum bought a small box of strawberry milk. I drank half and the rest bagi kat Melly. terus dia bawak pergi jalan!
After that, dah tak stop lagi. dah sampai nenek's new place. the remainder of the day, kita rehat saja.. at night, Dad, Mum & Melly went to a place -I forgot the name of the place. ada banyak rumah/buildings yang penuh dgn lampu!
very creative!
the next day, we went to Jasin, visit Dad's sister. then we went back to Subang. matahari bersinar, so i took a couple of pictures
tried many focus and fount yang paling sesuai!
barulah it looks round and perfect :S
and then there's nothing but the dark sky
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