Harry Potter - Owl

02 July 2011

1Murid 1Sukan 1Malaysia, BB, Putrajaya

Cehh, first time update using Blackberry tuhhhh! Mum got her BB few days sblm pergi Melaka. Anywayn today is Hari Sukan 1Malaysia! So pagi tadi, I went to my school. Ada Larian 1Malaysia. Boleh bawak parents & siblings and others, Lala nk pergi but dad tk kejut. I don't  want her to come too. I am one of the last ones yg sampai. biasalah org yg tk minat sukan ni. Lari tk sampai semeter dh sakit pinggang, kaki, kepala....

Sekarang ni ada kat Putrajaya, selepas sekian lama berehat, kita pergi Putrajaya. very beautiful, nice, fresh - apa2 je lah. skrg ni nk mkn Nasi Arab di Cyberjaya.

On the way, we stopped by the road to take pictures.

Putarajaya International Convenience Centre

Bus station at Kementrian Pelancongan.

Hotel by the road.

Then, we went to Kompleks Sukan Air. But since we didn't bring our swimsuits (bukannya nak swim pun), we didn't go into the complex. Anyway, by the complex, there's a big lake. Across the lake, there are buildings like Menara KBS, Jambatan Seri Wawasan etc.

Buildings, bridges, jetty.

We continued the trip by going to Taman Permainan Kompleks Sukan Air.

Towers from the playground.

Melly making friends.

Only an action, I didn't step on her. LOL.

Lala likes to roll on the grass. While rolling, she (I don't know how) made an action like Harry Potter in the trailer at 2:12! 

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