Harry Potter - Owl

31 July 2011

Charm Bracelets & Diva

Mom had wanted to buy us a charm bracelet for so long. Yesterday, while she was shopping for Melly's clothes in Empire, she found a shop that sells bracelets, chains etc. called Diva. All those stuffs are not made of gold.

So today, Mom, Lala, Melly, our maid and I went to Diva. Stuffs we bought:

Lala's butterfly necklace. The colour is so beautiful.

Lala's necklace that has letters. The letters are D, R, E, I, N, S. There should be a 'F' letter to make the word friends. Who knows where the 'F' letter had gone...

She bought 2, I bought 4 :D

My fruits bracelet. Kiwi, orange, strawberry, watermelon etc.

Muffin necklace. Nyumm!!

Jealous with Lala, I bought one too :)

Then, we bought 3 charm bracelets (not at Diva) for each of us -Lala, Melly and I.

Melly's. Aeroplane, heart, padlock, ice-cream & crown.

Lelahe's. Rabbit, Hello Kitty, ice-cream, butterfly, flower.

Mine. Heart, padlock, crown, flower & horse.

And I also bought......

My camera ring! Sooooooooo cool!

While we were shopping at Diva, I found a camera necklace. It makes sounds and light (as flash) and also there's a hole like a camera (hole instead of lense). I want it but Mum said "NO".

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